About Me

Armando Ferri

Logo Designer, Photographer, Doodler 

I’m originally from Italy, been away and around a while now.
I started as a Graphic Designer and Photographer in 2010, working for different companies and also freelancing.
Moving to Germany in 2014 changed many things in my life and later I had the luck to join Litexa GmbH as a UI/UX Designer and Software Developer where I’m currently employed and spend most of my time in the office designing, prototyping, coding and making softwares and apps look great and easy to use.
My kidneys stopped working in 2018 and I’m a dialysis patient since then, that means I’ve to sit in a bed three times a week to get my blood cleaned 🙂 and yes I’m waiting for a new Kidney.
I already had a transplant and because of complications it didn’t work out, but this in my opinion is not a good reason to be sad and depressed! I’m indeed a very happy and positive person, traits that I think are well visibile in my works and relationships.
Photohgraphy and being creative has always been a fundamental part of my life and something that always helped me survive the bad time.
Feel free to contact me and ask about anything regarding my situation, I’m always willing to chat with new people!

My Doodles and Logos on Insta

It’s my Instagram account dedicated to my Logo design projects, my doodles and illustrations. 
I didn’t want to mix it with the photography account to have a cleaner feed that only focuses on one thing.

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[instagram-feed user="armandoarmannerferri" custombio="Italian creative living in Mannheim • Portraits • Street • Logo Design • Doing more of what makes me happy 🇮🇹🇩🇪🇬🇧🇪🇸" customavatar="https://scontent-frx5-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-19/s320x320/51439661_1075936195927077_8963389901127024640_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-frx5-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_ohc=Cq6zqxoc1F8AX-691_l&oh=3b2e3801b18e69a190cbbf4643597e25&oe=5F8222B6"]

My photos on Insta

It’s my Instagram account dedicated to my shots mostly taken around Mannheim, Heidelberg and Ludwigshafen and sometimes my travels.
From time to time I also post some of the portraits I take for my customers, but only previous consent.

My Happy Dialysis

It’s my YouTube Channel where I share my personal story, experiences and hope to inspire and help people.
If you have any question about this part of my life feel free to contact me, also just for a chat.

Let’s Get Started

Ready to work together?